RuleML+RR 2025
the 9th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning
İstanbul, Türkİye
22 - 24 September 2025
industry track
General Information
The RuleML+RR industry track welcomes papers describing original industrial advances and application achievements in all areas of Rules and Reasoning-based technologies. We are interested in experiences from practitioners when applying rules to industries such as engineering, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, energy, media, telecommunications, healthcare, life sciences, government, smart cities, tourism, cultural heritage, retail, logistics, transportation, education, entertainment, legal services, real estate, environmental management, cybersecurity, autonomous systems, aerospace, defense, and other emerging fields. Submissions are invited on all facets of Rules and Reasoning, including efforts to bridge recent research innovations with practical applications and industrial challenges, with a strong focus on the interplay between reasoning techniques and machine learning.
We encourage submissions on the following topics:
Integration of Rules, Reasoning, and AI Technologies: Novel approaches in combining rules and reasoning with inductive and generative AI technologies, such as machine learning and LLMs, for creating smart industrial applications. For example, exploration of how the interplay of rules and LLM can give rise to flexible and trustworthy applications for generating insights, supporting decision-making processes, and enhancing rule-based systems with deep learning capabilities.
Rules and Reasoning for Knowledge Graphs and Ontologies: Cutting-edge methods and tools for building, augmenting, and maintaining enterprise knowledge graphs and ontologies, where the role of Rules and Reasoning is highlighted. A focus on the synergy with other AI technologies, such as LLMs, for instance, to enhance explainability, human interaction, and interoperability is also welcome.
Advanced Uses of Rules and Reasoning in Scalable Applications: Exploring innovative uses of rules and reasoning to develop scalable, real-world systems from multiple perspectives. This includes scalable data management (e.g., data access, transformation, curation, integration, validation, and versioning); efficient data access and distribution (e.g., high-performance query processing and response optimization); and scalable, human-understandable explanations that remain comprehensible even when highly detailed and tied to complex business processes.
Rules and Reasoning in Regulatory Technology (RegTech): Exploring the application of Rules and Reasoning in advancing regulatory technology (RegTech). Topics of interest include leveraging rule-based systems to automate regulatory monitoring, improve policy interpretation, and enhance compliance processes. Submissions focusing on the integration of rules and reasoning with AI technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, or knowledge graphs to streamline regulatory reporting, ensure real-time compliance, and provide scalable, transparent solutions are highly encouraged. We particularly welcome case studies, innovative frameworks, and practical implementations that demonstrate how these approaches can address evolving regulatory challenges across industries.
Responsible Use of AI and Rules Technologies: Discussions on the ethical considerations, fairness, transparency, and accountability in deploying Rules and Reasoning technologies, including guidelines and best practices for responsible AI.
Incentives for industry participation in this track include the opportunity to present results and solutions demonstrating the adoption of rule technologies in business contexts, gain insights into emerging trends in rule technologies and their application to address complex business challenges—particularly in synergy with other AI technologies—and engage in valuable exchanges of experiences and best practices related to business cases and the practical implementation of rules.
Submission and Publication
We welcome extended abstracts of minimum 5 and maximum 6 pages (including the references) to be submitted to the Industry Track.
Accepted papers will be published as part of CEUR proceedings and should be written in English following in the style template CEURART (1-column variant), available at:
Reviews will be done by the committee of members from both industry and academia. Submitted papers must be original contributions written in English. Please submit your paper via:
to the Industry Track.
Important Dates
10 July, 2025: Paper submission deadline
31st July, 2025: Notification deadline
For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies.
Luigi Bellomarini, Banca d’Italia, Italy
Evgeny Kharlamov, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Ioana Georgiana Ciuciu, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
Program Committee